

Almost 7 weeks post csection, and tonight we got caught up in the moment. We have had two sick kids for weeks now so sex has not been on our mind until now. We have not had condoms in ages since we were ttc for over a year and then pregnant. Well, my husband forgot to pull out because of the habit of not doing so for so long. I forgot to mention it to him thinking he would remember that we are not trying to have another baby. I start the mini pill Sunday, I made sure to stress that it is not effective for a couple of weeks. He is not worried about this little oops, but I am slightly. Damn hormones and the fact that we had not had sex since October. I know you are more fertile following birth, but it took us so long to get pregnant with both of our boys. So hoping that we are good. I plan to test in two weeks or whenever my period would be due with the new pill.