To my husband.. (long rant)

I'm tired..

I'm tired of cleaning

I'm tired of working

I'm tired of feeling like I do everything

I do the laundry

I take out the trash

I clean the bedsheets

I clean the kitchen

I clean the bathrooms

I clean the living room

I clean the floors

Maybe it wouldn't feel like so much if I wasnt juggling school and work and 6 months pregnant..

Ya know school...that thing that you encouraged me to go and fucking do and now it's another thing added to my plate because you do nothing to help ease the load

You don't do something unless I ask you to about 5 times or I'm in so much pain from reaching my limit that then you volunteer to do it

Trash if you actually remember but 9/10 you forget it and then it sits there for a couple days until I get pissed off and take it out when I'm not rushing around

Dishes whenever one of us actually cooks so that's..rarely

I'm exhausted physically and emotionally

You wonder why I'm so overwhelmed all the time but I work and have school and then on top of that I have to do all the housework?

Oh you work too? Most of the time when I message you, you're not even doing anything. You rarely have extremely busy nights. I have to be on my feet all night, I don't get a real break. I have to keep pushing myself and then come home in the morning to feeling like my feet are going to split open because they're so swollen. I can only sleep for a few hours and then get up just to do school and then do housework

You helped put groceries away, yay thanks I guess I appreciate that I didn't have to do that alone

I still was the one who went out and bought everything and had to put it all in my car and then tote it in several trips upstairs because you deemed your calves hurt too much to help me carry anything up

I feel like maybe we aren't ready for a kid

Or maybe I'm not because as is I feel like I'm picking up after one already.

But what can I do? I feel like when I ask you to fo something I have to ask a million times because you're just sitting there doing something on a game

Your response to me saying "I'm tired of doing things around the house everyday" is "take a day off"

I can't take a day off because then nothing will ever get done because you won't step up and do it either.

Why do I feel so underappreciated.....

Why do I feel like I'm doing everything alone..

We've lived together for so long and not once have you done the laundry. Not once have you cleaned the bathrooms. Not a single fucking time have you helped clean OUR bedroom...

And it seems the further we go the less you start to do and it's just another task for me to pick up even though as is I already have a difficult time keeping up with everything..