My husband is cheating

I’m mid 30s in my second marriage. My first lasted 15 years. He was abusive and cheated constantly. I tried to stay for the kids. Eventually decided to end it never intended to marry again. Well unfortunately I didn’t stick to that. I found someone who I absolutely fell in love with. He was everything my ex wasn’t or so I thought. However, they have one big thing in common. Cheating!!! I know on some level this has to be my fault.( this time I swear never again)Well as we approach our two year wedding anniversary and 4th year together. I found out about some lies. Which I know point to him being unfaithful. So now here I am! I’m doing my best not to reveal my cards to him. I know I have to leave. But need to do so in the smartest way possible. I have three early teens from 1st marriage(their dad went mia) He is on child support however we have never and likely will never see a dime. I lack degrees. Love the job I currently have although it only pays $15/hour. I also haven’t had much experience as I spent more than a decade as a sahm. I can not afford to keep the house we just built 7 months ago. We are not allowed to sell house for 2 years per hoa rules unless moving out of state for work. I’m not even sure it would sell in a brand new development with so much available. What would you do? Is there a short term night school for some kind of trade school? I’m in Dallas tx area. Would need to be able to make $20+ an hour. Is there anything? I’m not sure how long I can live the lie but I have to try as my kids will be greatly affected by this. It’s only been less than 24hours since I got confirmation and my heart is broken he can already tell something is off. I’m hurting so bad. How did I allow myself to get here again?

I love him so much. I do everything for him. I try to never nag or fight. I make sure we have fun. I just can’t figure out why not that it matters I guess. I’m in so much pain I just wish he could’ve loved me half the amount. Okay rambling now just please any advice welcome on how I can make more money