My theory on faint postives, especially with blue dye


I AM NOT PREGNANT, I am about to ovulate. I have had a theory, that pregnancy tests pick up LH (especially blue dye) when the levels are above a certain threshold. So I my LH is surging and will peak soon, leading to ovulation. So I took this blue dye test (target brand) followed the directions with a 20 second dip and took the picture within time frame. And there is indeed a very very faint line, more so in person, and enough to make someone question “is this positive or not”. Some of you may not know but many people have a surge in their LH before their period arrives. And I believe this leads to a lot of very faint lines and confusion when testing early. Although HCG tests claim to not detect LH I don’t think that’s necessarily true. LH tests do pick up HCG because the hormones are very similar, so why wouldn’t HCG tests detect LH at a certain threshold? I hope this helps clear up some confusion for some people. Feel free to comment with your thoughts 🤓