Ticklish touch

Did anyone else/does anyone else have the issue of being too ticklish when touched? I feel like when I was 14 I stopped having a lot of physical contact with people. I feel like I was in a dumb young teen relationship that really ended up affecting me not wanting to be touched. I'm not with that person anymore and have a really amazing SO now. I still hug people and do all that normal stuff, but when it comes to someone, especially my SO, wanting to touch me in any other way (like even putting a hand to my arm for attention) I get extremely ticklish and I cant take it. It's literally taken months for him to be able to put a hand on me without me bursting into laughter and pulling away. I'm 24 as of today. 10 years of minimal contact and now that I want more I cant even seem to stand it. Do I just need to toughen it out? Will I get used to being touched again? Is this "normal" for people to go through? My SO and I have been together for 6 years but we were LDR, we finally closed the gap, and now this.. please tell me it gets better...