I wasn’t expecting this.


I am 36 years old and I told myself that if I wasn’t pregnant by my 37th birthday, I would stop trying. I have been blessed with identical twin boys, but my husband and I struggled for the past 4 years to conceive again. We did everything short of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> to help us, but month after month, Aunt Flow would arrive. I finally got pregnant last year, but experienced what my doctor referred to as a chemical pregnancy only days after finding out I was pregnant. Fast forward to last night when I was at my job, eating Chinese food on my dinner break and a wave of nausea hit me. I put away my food and went to the bathroom because I was experiencing some mild cramping. I’d been wearing a pad, so I checked to see if my period came, and was surprised to find out that I wasn’t bleeding. My period was late by three days and it felt like it would start any minute. I told myself that I’d take a pregnancy test on my 4th day of a missed period if AF didn’t arrive overnight. When I woke up this morning, I certainly expected to see blood in my underwear, but there was none. So I went to Walmart to pick up two tests. When I came back home, I set my timer for 3 minutes and went to my bedroom to pray. I told God that if I wasn’t pregnant, I knew everything happens according to His will. I told him that my heart desired to have one more baby, but I would accept that He had something different planned for me. As I walked from my bedroom to the bathroom, I told myself not to get disappointed if two pink lines hadn’t showed up on that pregnancy test. I braced myself before taking a look, and my hand flew to my mouth as I saw that it was positive! Not very, very faint like the pregnancy test from last year. I didn’t have to hold it under light and squint to make out a line that I wasn’t sure was an evap line or not. They were there! My two lines! The positive pregnancy test I had been dreaming of since I started my TTC journey. I give all the glory to God! I’m praying this one sticks. Baby dust to all you ladies out there who are wishing, hoping, and praying to see those two pink lines!