Thoughts on chances of being pregnant

Hi ladies, I’m in real need of opinions and advice!

So my period is currently 5 days late according to glow. I had unprotected sex with my boyfriend on Jan 16th (fertile day; he did ejaculate in me 3 times 😅) and according to glow I ovulated on Jan 20th. After ovulation I experienced really bad headaches (unusual for me), lower back pain, breast tenderness and slight nausea after eating. A couple days before my period was due I experience a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. And since my period was suppose to start (Feb 3rd), I’ve experienced breast tenderness (intensely which is not a unusual PMS symptom for me), acne breakout (super unusual for me), fatigue (normal lol) and cramps that have lead no where.

I took a pregnancy test on Jan 29th and Feb 5th and they were both negative. My last period was also a week late and there were no chances of pregnancy. I think that my constant wondering is adding to my period delay 😅.

Advice and opinions ladies please :)