Would you ask for help?

My son is 16 months old and is so active! He started walked at 9 months and he climbs everything in sight. We are talking about getting him a swing set for Easter (when it’s warmer). I guess I lived in a la la land because I had no clue how much a good quality play set would cost! (We do not have a park in walking distance from our house). So I posted. On my facebook asking where to find good deals and had several people mention that is what the grandparents are for...

so we gave it a thought and our son has 3 sets of grandparents and is very spoiled he has more than enough toys and more than enough clothes. We thought of mentioning to his family if they want instead of getting our son clothes or a toy for Easter to help contribute to a play set for him and our future kids. They don’t have to but we’d much rather have that than any more toys.

So my question is. Have you ever asked family to help chip in for a play set or something big for your kid(s) and if yes how did you ask or word it.