*some men are pigs* ugh


After having my son and getting out of an abusive relationship- I reconnected with some old friends

Two of those friends were male, I talked with them for a few months (they talked to me sexually , but I didnt respond back because I literally didnt feel comfortable with that). Come to find out BOTH had girlfriends.. one married her and the other moved down with her.

I had NO idea,

I've been cheated on in 4 of my relationships, and the most recent really deviated me and I still cry over it(just because it was the ex abusive boyfriend / the sperm donor of my child with multiple girls during 3 years together)

I'm really thinking its somehow my fault? But I know it's not. It just sucks to feel this way...

My girls told me I should tell them, but then again I don't want to be that girl..and they've blocked me on everything after I was like hey why would you even talk to me like thay knowing you had girlfriends, they blocked me..

I BELIEVE IN KARMAAAAAAA, so I'm not worried

I'm 24 a single mom struggling. Not focusing on getting back to school and getting a career, and supporting myself and my son.

the last thing I'm thinking of is dating..But I hate feeling USED or not good enough. I have a few AMAZING male friends but they arent my type, and again not looking for anyone.

I know tomorrow it wont be a big deal but it hurts my heart in someway just because "I was that girl who was cheated on". I was never the "other girl".

All I know is I will try and teach my son some manners when it comes to ALL relationships.

That is all