Torn labia?!?!??!!!!

So last night my boyfriend and I started getting into things... but we were scared we were going to get caught. So he snuck himself into the side of my footy pants. We were going at it and all of a sudden he immediately pulls out pushing my right side of my vagina one way and my pants pulled the other side the other wayyyyy!!! We stopped immediately bc I was in excruciating pain. Then I started dripping with blood literally everywhere! The sheets his shirt, my shirt, my undies and shirt were literally soaked in blood. I went and cleaned myself up went to the toilet to pee and OMG THE PAIN! I couldn’t even finish peeing, nearly screaming in pain. Couldn’t really sleep last night was very very uncomfortable. This morning I get home and decide to fully check out what happened... and my goodness I have never seen something so gore in my life. Under my labia has actually torn. It looks like someone has taken a knife and sliced me. I am in so much pain atm, I’m struggling to pee and shower and wash the area.

Does anyone have any advice on how to speed up the healing process???