Apologising to Ex

Has anyone reached out to an ex to apologise for how you treated them? How did it work out? Good or bad?

There was someone I was seeing for a while and I treated them badly, I admit.

They fell for me quickly I think..... and I knew I wasn’t in it for the long run. I wasn’t in the best place, and used him for sex and for the attention. He kept trying to buy me expensive gifts (which I never accepted) and tell me I was the one etc, and in the end it became too much me and I blocked him and walked away without an explanation or apology. I’ve never seen him again, and it’s been just over two years now.

I know that I wasn’t in the best place mentally at the time, and I knew it wasn’t healthy. Even though that’s no excuse for how I treated him.

I don’t know whether it’s even a good idea to reach out to him now to apologise... Or whether it’s been so long now that it’s not worth it as he’s probably moved on.