Starting the IUI process


Hey ladies!

My partner and I have our first appointment set up with a fertility specialist Feb 21. I’m just wondering if anyone has gone through the <a href="">IUI</a> process before and could provide some insight as to what to expect?

We just really want a baby and are ready for this next step in our lives however not really knowing what to expect is stressing me out more, to the point my period was 10 days late this month. Anything I’ve read online is conflicting with other sources so I’m hoping to hear about it from someone who has been through it.

How long is the whole process? Like starting point to insemination?

What do the appointments look like? Are they going to nit pick through our lifestyle? If so is there a chance the clinic will deny helping us?

What am I getting into? What should I expect?

Could this process put a strain on our relationship? We’re really good about communicating when things are stressful and conversations usually begin with “we’re adults we talk about our problems, not run away from them”

Are they going to put me on fertility meds which could raise the chances of multiple births? As much as we want many kids and multiple births would be welcome, would they likely go with the one that’s an injection? I’m definitely not comfortable with home injections for medications. But with what most sources say online, that’s the go to one over the oral medications but I can’t find a reason why?

The information from the clinic in regards to the first appointment just says to bring any medications and vitamins I am taking.

Any insight is muchly appreciated.

Located in Ontario, Canada.