Amonia smell discharge.

Hi all,

I don’t have health insurance at the moment so I don’t know what to do or if this is considered normal.. but I’d say for the past few months (usually when I’m close to starting my period) I’m guessing it’s discharge, it’s just wetness in my underwear but it smells like amonia, it can be very strong sometimes. I notice that when I’m sweating & wet down there, it’ll smell like amonia. Or a little after I have sex, I’ll smell amonia but I always have it like a week or 2 before my period as well. I don’t use scented soaps.. i use dove sensitive only. I wear cotton underwear almost everyday. I drink nothing but water.. I don’t drink sodas. I just don’t know what to do considering I have no health insurance & I don’t know if this is normal.. I would hope not because the smell can be SO strong sometimes & I always worry that maybe one day somebody will smell it with just me sitting beside them! 😣