7 days late

Period is 7 days late (42 day Cycle), haven't tested yet. I am sexually active and not TTC. Period has been 4/5 days late before, but not this late.

A week ago I had PMS signs which have eased off a bit now.

Unlikely I am pregnant as I haven't had much action this month (compared to normal) but I am just fed up of waiting now, like bringing pads everywhere with me and constantly checking down there so not to get caught out off guard.

Not to mention I am overly sensitive to changes in the weather (freezing one minute and sweating the next) which no doubt is my hormones kicking my ass.

Should I test or wait another week before taking one? What would you ladies do? 🙃

Edit: Now 10 days late, tested yesterday but came back negative so completely stumped. Still feeling constantly cold and tired, so hopefully it shows up soon.