Step MIL help


Let me ask y'all a question. Am I overreacting? My SO step mom has already stock piled wipes and diapers for our baby making me feel like she believes she has more of a right to our son. Now she has told us before that we will never be able to support this child and that she "won't raise him for us". This is the same woman who has told us that she will not use our child's name because "she isn't Hebrew and shouldn't have to." She has a ten year old and a 6 year old. The 10 yo is basically raised on technology. He plays video games on the computer all day long until bed, as he plays on a nintendo switch(even taking it out to dinner at restaurants) and tv. I feel like technology is almost raising this 10 yo. The 6 yo is in kindergarten and has issues with attitude. He cusses, hits people, screams at all times, he has been suspended 6 times since the beginning of the school year. He has also been known to walk out the front door and down the street, (30 minutes maybe) prior to her coming out of her room to check on them. Cops have had to make an appearance more than once because of this. I feel like with her getting all these things, she is insinuating that she would have my child more than we would. She doesn't discipline either kid. And I honestly dont know how I would feel leaving my child here alone for any length of time. Do you think I'm being dramatic and overreacting or is it understandable to feel this way?

P.s Her 10 yo has also let bruises from biting her 6 yo multiple times.