And the wait is finally over!!!!


Adelyn Amelia Grey made her appearance February 8th at 6:07pm after 13 hours of labor. 37 weeks 6 days!

6lbs 13oz 20 inches long

At 5:45am I vaguely remember being in and out of sleep and having pretty bad period pains through my pelvis and back. I waited until 7:15 before I woke up and got in a warm bath. I couldn’t feel the contractions in the bath but as soon as the water drained from around my lower body it was on and stronger than before! I waited around about 2 hours before going to the hospital. I went from a 3 to 5 that morning but everytime I would sit contractions would stop. I took a walk down to the cafeteria and contractions started back up and in 20-30 minutes I was up to 6.5-7cm! They admitted me, broke my water and I chose to do an epidural which was a breeze even without having strong contractions (my contractions felt like Braxton Hicks mixed with period pain in my back in waves which is because she was “sunny side up”). Since my contractions were only happening while I was walking around and I couldn’t walk once I had the epidural they had to give me alittle pitocin to help dilate the rest of the way and help get her to drop. In alittle over an hour I went from 7 to 10 thank goodness because I had an anxiety attack from the “surge” of hormones when I hit 9cm.

I watched in the mirror as I pushed baby girl out (30 minutes)! She was and is perfect!!!!

Goodluck all of you mommas!!!! It was a joy doing this with all of you!!