Cramping and period


So I had sex on the 15-17th January unprotected. My ovulation window closed on the 15th... around the 25th I was getting cramping with no blood. My period was due on the 27th but I didn’t start bleeding. I went to my Gp on the 27th to get some swabs done because of my discharge I felt it was very strange and I was scared for sti’s and everything came back clear so no sti’s.

Next day 28th in the evening I start bleeding And I feel like it was a very strange period the blood was a little odd, the colour and even smell, That lasted about 5 days, I got cramping maybe first and second day only which is different for me. After my bleed I also noticed that My mucus was a lot more white and runny I’d say very heavy as it filled my panty liner.

On the 9th of February I woke up to some sharp pain in my stomach, cramping almost but didn’t last very long, then on the 10th of February I saw some blood streaks in my mucus, a sort of pinky colour after my first morning pee. The next time I went to urinate there was no blood in mucus.

My next period is not due until like the 24/25th of February. I’m so confused, What could be the problem?