Going back to work and in laws watching baby anxiety

I will be going back to work in a few weeks and my in-laws will be taking care of the baby when my husband and I are working so we don’t have to do daycare. I appreciate them doing this but I also have anxiety about leaving our baby with my in-laws. She will be about 12 weeks old by then. I don’t know how to get over this, nothing against my in-laws, but my mother-in-law is sort of overbearing and I worry she will not respects our wishes when it comes to what we want for our child. She’s very opinionated and tries to push her opinions on us on how to raise the baby.Example, I know they will want to hold her all the time even when she sleeping, but I put her in the crib when she falls asleep so my husband and I can get some sleep. It took a while to get her used to this so I don’t want to backtrack but I feel like they won’t listen and hold her the whole time anyway. Also they are constantly giving her a pacifier every time she gets fussy. I don’t give her the pacifier as much because I don’t want her to get dependent on it. But when they have her every time she fusses they give her the pacifier right away. Just things like this are really stressing me out thinking about. How does everyone else deal when they go back to work and having somebody else watch their child?