Baby has had congestion for 3 months??


Okay i need help or advice at this point. Its been months and my now 7 month old is still having severe congestion to where i hear like a crackling noise when he breathes through his nose. This started when he was 4 months old and the doctors said that it was just a cold. We sat in the steamy bathroom, used saline and use an electric nasal aspirator. It got better but never fully went away. We could still hear it when he slept at night.

He's now 7 months and the mucus is back and wont stop coming. It seems to be clear but it gets very sticky to where it doesn't want to come out. Along with the crackling noise being louder and the boogers making it hard for him to breathe. Its just not getting better.

We took him to the doctor last week and he was breathing fine at that moment so she couldn't help and just said to keep using saline and electric nasal aspirator.

Can anyone give me any advice please?