Breastfeeding and jaundice

Alex • AZ🌵 Married, momma of 2, expecting 🤰🏻❤️

Hi! Second time mom here but first time trying breastfeeding - with my son I started supplementing at the hospital due to high levels of jaundice and eventually gave up after 2 weeks. So this time around I am determined to breastfeed! Our girl also has jaundice - she’s 3 days old and only breastfed, her levels were 15 today. We had a doctors appointment and she’s lost 1 pound, pediatrician recommended waking her to feed every 2 hours so we’re trying that and have a doctors appointment tomorrow to check her weight and levels again.

I’m afraid I’ll have to start supplementing ☹️ how did you mommas deal with this? I just want my girl to breast feed and gain weight.

I do feel my breast are getting fuller and my milk is coming in

Any tips, ideas or encouragement is appreciated!