Found out.....

So the 5th of February I went to the dr to get my clomid so I could start trying for another lil one once my baby turns 1 years old she’s currently 10 months will be 11 on the 20th. I had to have a c-section with her so my OB and I agreed that if I waited until she was 1 Year he would help me get pregnant bc she had to be conceived with clomid as well. So I go in he gives me the clomid. I pick up my script. So fast forward to last night go grocery shopping last Night and just had an urge to take a pregnancy test when I got home. So I took one and I found out I was pregnant. 😍 we conceived on our own.

I walk out of the bathroom and show my husband he said it’s to light not to get to excited so I take a digital

He says don’t over react it could be a faulty test 😂 as well so I take one this morning

I’m pretty sure I’m pregnant 🤰🏻 😂

GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU! Stay strong God is on ur side. If you don’t do God then whatever you do. You got this!!!! I hope this little bean sticks !! I feel so blessed!