I’m in crisis....

So I do not have feelings for this guy at all we’re just friends, but for e past month or so I have been having sex dreams about my coworker. I haven’t acted on them or anything bc I am in a relationship, and I love my SO very much. But my SO and I have to take a day trip for a business thing, and we always take another guy with us (it’s a protection thing my bf feels better if another guy is there just in case something happens bc yes in the past we’ve dealt with some pretty sketch business partners) anyways.... well none of his employees or friends can go with us (he’s a company owner btw) and so he asked me if I knew what (we will call him Jeff) if I knew Jeff’s work schedule for the day we’re going out of town, and I was like nope no clue. So he goes “text him and ask, bc if he isn’t busy I’m gonna see if he will go with us” AND IM HERE LIKE DYING INSIDE LIKE OMG FREAKING OUT AND NOW THE GUY HASNT EVEN OPENED MY MESSAGE AND IM LIEK SUBCONSCIOUSLY THINKING THAT WHAT IF HE KNOWS ABOUT THE DREAMS IVE BEEN HAVING AND IM JUST PANICKING BECuse wtf