I fucking give up.

My boyfriend has had a really bad mental state for a few weeks and it kept balancing between being his complete natural self to slightly on the edge to being completely out if it.

He kept pushing me away when I was trying to help him and he told his mates that I was helping him. I messaged one of his mates and asked him whether or not my bf had said anything to him but my bf said nothing other than the fact that I was helping him. I messaged his mate a couple of days later to say that my bf was still pushing me away and his mate said that my bf has done that previously with other girls so that he can end the relationship without having to actually dump them. I actually thought that this was quite harsh.

I asked my bf what he wanted and he kept replying with “I don’t know”. So this irritated me quite a bit. I got pissed off and extremely hurt and I said that I can’t deal with him anymore if he keep pushing me away so that I ended it. It really, really ripped me apart. Him and I still message and he said that he will stay loyal to me and we will get back together after he has got himself back together but he promised me after the first time that this happened that he would never put me through it again. I have exams all this week and I have already missed two days because I can’t concentrate on anything and I keep crying and to make matters even worse, I’m pregnant with his child.

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Has your boyfriend been to the doctor at all ? He might be suffering from a mental illness, possibly ask for a sit down and serious talk if he allows you to.


Toria • Feb 13, 2020
seems like a reaction to having it and not wanting to say, try to find what makes him calm.


Li • Feb 11, 2020
I have spoken to him about that already but he keeps refusing.