Dear X

Are you really upset that I moved on? That I found someone else? It’s been over two years man, longer than our relationship. And did you forget about how you made me watch you go after someone else, a friend of mine, LESS THAN A WEEK after we broke up a nearly 2 year long relationship? That I had to watch the love of my life chase after my friend the day after I went alone to a concert that was supposed to be your present? Do you remember how many times you made it so painfully clear that you weren’t trying to get back together, that we weren’t getting back together? How about when you disappeared for 3 months and came back saying I could trust you only to talk about your ever growing body count? Or the numerous times we were supposed to hang out when you were in town but every convo was always about sex and after I said no you never reached out? Did you really ever care? When was the last time you checked up on me? See how I was doing? Wanted to catch up? I chased after you for so long carrying convo after convo because I just wanted to talk to you, I wanted to see you because we were supposed to still be friends, I gave up on the effort and this is what happened. Our relationship is practically non existent without me doing everything for you. I thought finally you weren’t on bullshit, but now you ghost me. Won’t even open my messages but you’re active everywhere else, why are you so intent on wasting my time? I give you so many chances to prove yourself and you always fall short and disappoint me. Why do you get to be upset? What interest or care did you show? Some kind words every now and again, you’re supposed to have my back but you were just keeping tabs on me. I really was hoping we could be friends again, I kept telling everyone “no he wont let me down he’ll come through” but every time you leave me out in the dark waiting for something that’ll never come. I’ve finally been able to breathe without you, I finally have someone who takes care of me in a way you couldn’t. He’s seen me at the ugliest and messiest I’ve ever been and still told me he loved me. He found me a wreck, an alcoholic that didn’t care about anything and stayed even when he knew no better version of me, after everything you’ve done and all the pain I’ve been through do I not get to have that? I really was rooting for you to have a place because I felt that even though things ended that you were a good person and maybe we just wouldn’t work as a relationship. Instead we could work as friends because I miss when we were friends before the relationship made everything a mess, but maybe I was wrong.