4 months in and I'm missing it already

4 months in with my LO and she is thriving, doing fantastic, talking, blowing bubbles, getting stressed because she cant crawl yet, smiling and cooing. I am INLOVE. Theres no problems, I'm blessed honestly.

That aside I SO miss her newborn stage 😭 I'm a first time mum and IT WAS ROUGH, breastfeeding issues, sleeping issues, the whole rollercoaster and wanting so badly to "make it just one more week" now I can look back and I have the experience from it - I miss it 😥

Theres so much I'd change that I did wrong or didnt quite get right but honestly I'd enjoy the time alot more, my little pumpkin is not so little anymore and I adore her but gosh do I miss the small bundle 😭