Idk if it's normal, don't remember from my first baby?..

So my son is almost 8 weeks, will be on Friday... So i had him naturally & only bled for 2 weeks. (That part was the same after my daughter 2 years ago. Except this period situation, after her i didnt get a period until like 10 weeks PP) Then nothing. So at 6 weeks PP starting January 31st-Feb 9th (Started my BC Patch Feb 9th, Sunday). I been on my first period since I had him. Pretty heavy. Whatever, mine usually are. But they usually only for 5 days... not 11... So Feb 10th, (yesterday) absolutely nothing. Period done. Woke up this morning, nothing still. Totally clean & over it. I went to Nebraska Furniture Mart with my babies, came home felt a little wet so i went pee... I bled through all my clothes. WTF. Im so confused. I never went through that with my first. Not only that but I've never had a bleed through accident, in my life. Never. Someone been through this??? Help a sister out please!

Update: That only lasted an hour... No clue wtf is happening😬 Heeelp