Cycle day 60

Ophelia • 26 and married to my high school sweetheart 02/14/2011💕 2 boys and 1 angel 👼 06/13/2019 and a daughter

Usually I have a 30 day cycle but this cycle has been all jacked up. Thought I was tripping earlier when I felt pain at work. I seriously sat threes like OMG is this ovulation pain😳? Got home to test and low and behold😁 should I take this serious and BD or could this really be it? I also saw a huge dip in BBT. I’ve been using Ava for a little over a week. Thought it was pointless seeing as my period has been wonky. I usually get my period around the 14 but I missed it in January and it should be coming on Friday. My doctor wants me to induce my period on Friday but should I?