should i get a sperm donor?

Should I get a sperm donor? My husband and I really want another baby, but he has a genetic defect and it also runs strongly in his family, Its nothing taht effects health, just requires surgery and looks different than normal.Im unsure of how likely it would be for my baby to have it, since he has it, his dad has it and his dads dad has it and his brother has it and his cousin has it but his 2 sisters did not get it. Our 1st son did not get it, Our 2nd son did get it, and its been very hard, i wouldnt want to go through all this again but so badly want another baby.

should i get a sperm donor? what would my other options be so my baby doesnt get the defect? Im not shre how my husband would feel about a sperm donor, or how much it would cost but i know he feels bad about passing this defect on. Anyone know what the chances are that our next baby have it too?