Using a blanket in bed


Friends- serious question.

Scarlett loves her blankets! Burrows her face in them, curls up under them, loves to hold them, etc. During naps she has one in her swing, car seat in the car, laying on us on the couch. at daycare she has a lovey but even they say then they try to take it away she wakes up. She sleeps with us most of the night because she WILL NOT sleep in her bed unless she has a blanket. In ours she loves it and falls right to sleep. Husband thinks she will be fine in bed with it while I take it away and it wakes her up.

Our older son could have cared less about blankets or a lovey.... Even now and he is almost 4 so it has never been an issue.

So my question would be when did y'all let your little ones sleep with a blanket by themselves?