How do I find friends for my son?


My son absolutely loves socialising and playing with other kids. He tries to talk to/play with every child he sees (even babies). He's 20 months old and has no friends because everyone I know with kids have their own things going on so for one reason or another he's never met their kids, and not they have closer friends with kids so they aren't interested in play dates. I don't know what to do I feel so guilty my son has nobody to play with, no cousins or anything. I can't do parenting groups because of the time they're run. I was thinking of putting him in a free nursery (we're on a low income atm) once he's 2 but when I've been looking all the free ones have issues (my sister worked in one and half the kids were biting everyone else 😱). Does anyone know what I'm meant to do? I'm in NE England.