Do you think she realizes that he lied and is a piece of shit?

I’m learning to walk away and that it’s ok for others to not know your side. I had to accept that my abusive ex made me look completely evil to his grandma and as a year has passed do you think she’s maybe realized that he lied? I was staying with him at one of his grandmas houses then he has a mental break and was just released from a hospital and they ended up picking up my cats and bringing them to the newer house we were currently staying at. They didn’t tell me and I didn’t find out until one randomly walked into my room. I went to confront his grandma and his about them and all I was told is my ex takes care of them, they seemed upset (of course they were, my world was being turned upside down cause my boyfriend at the time was arrested and kept for 2 weeks), and how I neglect them. I ended up leaving and getting a hotel and decided not to accept the defeat as those were my cats as I took care of them, paid for them, and all he did was throw one of them at the bathroom wall when trying to bathe. of course, he left out that detail and made himself a saint. Fucking saying I neglected them my ass. So while his Gma was at work I lied to my ex and said my parents were coming in and I have to take the girls. Never spoke to his family again after. Since then he’s been arrested and do you think she’s come to realize he lied and was the abusive one? And since I went back and grabbed the cats that has to show they actually never belonged to him. Cause they will never know my side

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