
So it’s my first cycle bbt. I didn’t get my thermometer until after my period ended. Ended up getting a new thermometer yesterday as I kept getting the same exact recurring temps and didn’t trust it.

This is also the first cycle that I’ve gotten any opks that are considered positive. Had right ovary pain last night.

The temp yesterday was an hour late and the temp today was an hour early (me being anxious about oversleeping again, of course I wake up too early)

Had watery CM on CD 8 and 9. Now it’s creamy but still slightly watery. No EWCM. No stretch.

I’m going to keep testing and temping but I just wish I had a little more clarity on where I’m at. My cycles have been anywhere from 12-30 days since getting off the pill in August. Started Pink Stork Fertility Tea on the 20th of January. Started Evening Primrose Oil on CD 7 to try to help with CM.

Should I stop the tea and EPO just in case I am ovulating today? Or keep taking it in hopes of another surge?