Too early to start potty training ?

I started Introducing when he was around 8 months old, he would pat his diaper to let me know he needed to go and I would sit him on his potty. Everyone on my husband side of the family were telling me to stop that he was too young and I was just forcing him to grow up, so I stopped ..

Now he is 14months and he seems to be intrested in it. He will try to pull his pants down or take his diaper off and when I say "do you have to pee" he runs to the restroom so the last couple days if I see him doing that I sit him on his potty. sometimes he will go and sometimes he doesn't. Well This morning I was using the restroom and he walks in and starts pointing at him self so i say "do you have to go" and sat him down . He actually pooped I was soo proud of him. I called my husband into the restroom to show him, he was on the phone with his mom and was telling her about what he did and then she starts going off saying he's to little to be potty train that I need to stop trying to force him. That it shouldn't even be introduced until he's 2. I was so proud of him and thought he was doing good and now she made me feel bad about it. Is he really too young to start ? My little sister was potty trained at 9 months by the time she was his age she wasnt even wearing diapers at night. So I thought it just depend of the child and to me he seems like he is ready. But I dont know if I should continue or just stop like my mother in law said and wait till he's 2.