Am I wrong? Or is he abusing me?

I accidentally got pregnant after just 6 months of living with my boyfriend and decided to keep the baby because I’ve had an abortion before and it traumatized me.

Well I’m emotional. I promise you ladies I’m trying really hard to control my emotions, but all throughout this pregnancy (I’m 19 weeks) I’ve been quick to cry.

I’m also suffering from hypermesis which is basically morning sickness that doesn’t go away after the first trimester.

My boyfriend calls me lazy often, seems like he resents me because I’m struggling to keep up with the housework, and even laughs at me in a mean way/calls me pathetic sometimes when I cry.

Like I said I cry easily. Sometimes I’m crying and I don’t even know why. Sometimes I’m crying because I love him so much.

He pretty much ignores me. He gets furious if I text him while he’s at work unless it’s something short and simple like “love you, have a good day” and every day he comes home and goes straight on the Xbox. If I tell him to turn it off he freaks out and yells. He stays on the Xbox until 1/2am, once I’m asleep.

Well last night I was feeling wildly in love with him so I cried in the bedroom and texted him “I love you forever” while he wa splaying Xbox. He read it and didn’t respond. I walked over to him and waited until there was a stop in his game, then gave him a hug. He pushed me (not hard) off of him and told me “fuck off youre annoying as shit”

It made me cry and then he told me I’m so emotional and he’s getting tired of me. He threatened to leave me (he does this often but never does) because I yelled at him and cried saying “how could you say that to the mother of your child?? You’re tired of me? Well I’m tired of being pregnant sometimes and tired of you but I’m never mean to you. I’m thinking you’re a snake and a bad person lately”.

I know I react dramatically and over the top sometimes but I’m just so lonely. He refuses to communicate with me. If I tell him I need more love and patience he calls me a “little kid” and “pathetic” and says “this isn’t a Disney movie you Fucking child.” But like I said, sometimes (when he’s in the mood) he’s pretty sweet. Help me, I’m so sad and so lost :(