Am i doing the right thing?


My baby turned 6 months old last week. She's a healthy baby, average weight. She was EBF until 6 months, and i have started solids once a day now (fruit and veg purees so far, now starting to add some sprouted millets (ragi) and lentils too).

My question is :

I'm also considering starting her on formula, but restricted to once a day, only so she's used to it and won't have to go hungry if ever I'm not around or we're at a place or situation where it's not possible to breast feed. (I hate bfing in public).

This is based on the advice i got from a lot of people and I'm finally caving in.

My questions are:

1.) Will doing this negatively affect my milk supply? I've not had any issues with bf'ing till date.

2.) Am i doing the right thing by depriving her of 1-2 feeds of breast milk even though she has no problems with it and feeds happily when hungry.

3) should i just not supplement with formula at this stage and wait till she's older?