UPDATE!! Something extra at 5 weeks



I’m now 6 weeks and 4 days. Ultrasound is showing two babies and two heart beats! Both measuring almost the same size. I’ll post updated scan pictures in the comments 🥰 Also I might add... we have no family history of twins and we’re not doing any type of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a> as we had been trying for only 4 months. So it’s quite a surprise!

Original post:

I don’t have my first appt until March 6th but I work in a radiology department and had a quick scan done just for fun so no report or Dr.’s opinion yet.

This scan was done at 5 weeks.

The tech is able to see an additional area near the main gestational sac which she said could either be a small bleed or possibly a second sac 😐

it’s too early to see the heart beat or yolk sac so we’re going to look in a week or so and see what it looks like then but I wanted all your opinions! What do you gals think this looks like?