Dear ac


You have taken everything from me. My happiness, trust, virginity, hope, faith, you have even taken my future from me. You told people lies saying I wouldn’t stop texting you when you were the one that wouldn’t stop texting me. You danced with her at the quince while we were still dating. I got hurt there was blood everywhere and I was sobbing and what did you do? Looked me dead in the eye with tears pouring out of mine, moved farther into the crowd and kept dancing. You didn’t care. And after I left you kissed her! You told me you loved me, you would never leave, you would never hurt me that you are loyal to me and wanted a future with me. Look where we are now. You are constantly posting stuff and saying stuff to me that I had to delete you on everything bc seeing your name pop up on my phone KILLED me. I cried so much over you. Hell I still am. I started to move on and like Luis y’all don’t even talk like that. And you told him that you still care and love me and feelings are still there so now he isn’t talking to me because of you! Why won’t you let me be happy? It’s your fault I’m like this! You came up to me at lunch bc I was sitting alone bc you supposedly care so much right? If you care why did you do it? You started talking to me. I kept it short with you because if I actually talked the lump in my throat would have turned into tears. Hearing my name come out of your mouth kills me. I can’t be happy bc if you. I’m so miserable that the other night I tried overdosing on sleeping pills. Sadly it didn’t work out. Please stop ruining things and making it seem like you’re the hurt one. Bc at the end of the day it’s your fault.