Advice about OB

How did you get your OB to validate your worries while pal? I have an appt tomorrow and I really want them to understand the first 20wks are the hardest for me since our son was sick then and passed at shortly after birth? I feel like as loss moms we aren’t validated Bcus people don’t GET why we are so anxious,worried,upset etc.

Backstory: I called the OB about 3wks algo concerned about cramping I was experiencing the nurse told me first herself then after speaking to the OB that “you have something going on with your uterus right now, there’s a baby in there so your going to experience some discomfort like cramps, stretching etc”. Why her response completely makes me feel invalidated even IF it was “nothing” is Bcus of our previous pregnancy that resulted in the death of our symptoms had begun with sharp cramping so I was angry and upset that she would just dismiss me like that with our history!!! And here I am crying again Bcus I’m so upset.

Just looking for some advice 😩😩😩