support group chat?


i had my abortion 4 months ago. i went through the motions and it was really hard.

i was lucky enough to have my wonderful boyfriend by my side through it all. i’ve gotten better and am starting to feel better about it but sometimes i struggle for days about it.

only a few people know but i feel like i’m annoying them when i talk to them about it often. plus they don’t understand the true pain i feel.

id love to have a group chat of people who need close friends to go to when they need support and uplifting during these hard times. i know i definitely need it. ❤️❤️

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Posted at
Has a group chat been made? I’m currently going through a unplanned pregnancy and have my abortion planned tomorrow. I have no support from the BD, even after he lied and told me he would be there for me and then ignored me when I needed support. I haven’t told my mom nor family members cause I wanted to get it over with myself without feeling judged. I am currently emotional asf and feel so alone


Posted at
Yes I would love that please message me I have my abortion this mon !