10dpo symptoms AF due in four days

janayy • Ok

Started around 8dpo ...so here we go

*Slight crampy twinges

*Sore nipples stronger on my left ..right has a slight itch...and just the nipples are sore.

*yesterday night a slight motion headache from the back of my head

* Stomach ache kind of like growling and discomfort.

*Sweating in sleep ...i never sweat even when im hot...i hate being cold so im always in covers ..cant get comfortable without them.

*Acne... Never get bf af

* Chest feels weird when i breathe on

*And i usually have bumps around my nipples not a lot but the are definitely swollen and poking out .. slightly red in color .. im black btw ....

Im told my self im not testing anymore until i get a missed period...

2 BFN cycle dpo 7,8

Period due in four days