Advice anyone?


My period is 16 days late today. I took a pregnancy test at 7 days late and it was negative. I promised myself I wouldn’t take another one until my cycle was longer than the previous one (so I will take another one this weekend)

My last two cycles have been quite long. I usually am about 32 days (give or take) but my last cycle was 49 days long and I’m at 47 right now.

This cycle has been v strange. I’ve been having what feels like “period poops” (tmi I’m sorry,) I’ve been super emotional, crazy bloated, and I’ve had a lot more acne this time. My back always hurts the couple of days before I start but my back has been killing me for about a week and half now but still no bleeding or even a trace of spotting. Anyone have any ideas or helpful tips?

We are ttc and my anxiety is getting the best of me right now