Implantation bleeding or early period ?

Hello all,

We’ve been ttc for the last 2 months (I know not long) I have pretty on point cycles and my <a href="">glow app</a> is very spot on with my due date for AF etc

This cycle has been a bit strange.... on and off spotting since 3 dpo and for the last few days I’ve had more light spotting (not enough to need a tampon but enough to change my liner 2-3 times)

AF is due on the 18th Feb

I’ve put it down to either, implantation or an early AF but if it was my AF it’d be very early which again is out of the ordinary...

Did anyone else get spotting on and off can calm my nerves thank you. X

First photo was my liner this morning (not always that much a lot lighter during the day)

Second is when I wipe...