One twin super clingy and the other not?

Lili • Twin mama ~22~ Married 💍

So I'm sure this is completely normal, but I'm just super sad about it 😭 I have twin boys. They are 14 months. One of my twins is super clingy and will come over to me and raise his arms to be picked up all of the time. If I'm sitting on the floor, he will come and give me a hug and kiss. He'll bring me books and sit with me while I read them. But my other twin... He doesn't do any of that very often. He is very independent and he always squirms away from me when I try to hug/kiss him. He likes playing on his own. He'll smile at me when I talk to them during breakfast, but I just feel like he is way less clingy than his brother and I'm sad about it. Anyone else have this happen with your twins or triplets?