
Please be kind

Is this the beginning of something or just confiding in a friend.

My husband has this woman friend from work he has known for a couple months but hanging out with in the last few weeks.

We have a 2 year old and a 4 month old.i have previously told him I feel uncomfortable with this woman as an attempt to be open. It was more of a gut feeling but no evidence to back anything up. I didn’t want to isolate him from people and be one of those women. Gut feeling grew stronger as he’s been somewhat distant and always on phone. This is what I could get off his phone, mostly the rest of it is snap chat photo and videos so I don’t no everything that has been sent.

The goodnight message from her is after she had been at our house for dinner and gone home at about 11pm.

I strongly dislike snap chat 🤦‍♀️.


Again please be kind, I’m feeling a bit fragile.