Tampon/birth control help


My tampon keeps pulling out my nuva ring

It's a brand new ring and I just put it in a few days ago, and I keep rinsing it and inserting it immediately after the tampon pulls it out like it says in the booklet

I'm trying my best to make sure its inserted as far as it can but when I remove my tampon it pulls the ring too

My period is so heavy rn it's really uncomfortable not wearing tampons and I'm not going to be sexually active until maybe like 4 or 5 days after my period ends, by then my nuva ring would have been in for like 10 days or so

Is it okay for it to keep coming out and be inserted immediately since it's a new ring and hasnt even been in for a week yet, let alone the usual 3 weeks

What should I do? I'm the only one I know that uses the nuva ring