Possibility he may feel the same way?

I was with my crush in 7th period. He was taking practice pictures and there were some that he took of me and another friend, lol and then he’s going through them and he says “ew” and I see and it’s a picture of me from the back and I said “hey that’s a picture of me and you’re saying ew” sort of laughing then we both just start laughing.🤣 ahhh and then I was trying to see if he had a crush on anyone and I saw this girl that I definitely know likes him and was like oooh someone got a crush. He was like what? The girl in the pink? I was like yeahh. He was like oh no she follows me around a lot, I think she likes me. And that is the moment I realized that he might know that I have a thing for him cause I go to 7th period a lot that we used to have together. Moving along lol I said awe that’s so cutee. Then we were going back to the room and there was this girl talking to one of the administrators and she was standing in the door. Him and I were standing face to face and I could feel him look at me. So then I look up and he’s looking at me then he looks to his left really fast. So yeahhh I had fun. I think the teacher knows I like him cause I go to that class more often but I feel like he knew beforehand. I guess I make it really obvious.🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Like today he asked me what I was doing there smiling and I said that I had gotten my teachers permission cause I was the only student in that class since very one else was testing. And he was fine with it and then he sent us to go do something. I can’t really explain it haha. I also forgot to mention that I would sometimes talk to him about some comedians I like and he wouldn’t be all that into it or really want to try it out, but today he was scrolling through the explore page and one of my favorite comedians came out and I recommended him and he took a picture of it so that he could watch it later which I thought was sweet since he wouldn’t normally do that before. Also, while he was scrolling through YouTube there was a music video that I saw that brought back memories to elementary school for me. Anyhoo I didn’t point the video out but he knew exactly the one I was talking about and he pointed at it and I said yeah it brings back memories and he said, “it’s so sad” then i said how “time goes by so fast” and he said yes. I think it’s cute that he knows me that well considering we don’t get to hang out as much as we used to since I don’t have him for a class anymore.S o then comes 9th period and I’m in the gym and I see that he’s coming in and I turn to look and we both smile he usually just makes his eyes big (idk how to explain) and that’s how he greets but this time it was a full on smile. I look away and keep talking to my friend and then he comes and sits behind me and we start talking a bit but he then starts playing with some of his friends behind him. But yeah that’s what happened.

I know its nothing but it made me pretty happy. Should I be hopeful that he may feel the same way?