Cheeky chops 😂

My son is 2 1/2 and for a good while he’s been saying everyone is a “chee-chee chumps”. From the context he was saying it in we guessed he was saying cheeky chops; his grandma often calls him that so y’know. Literally everyone and everything has been a chee-chee chumps for weeks, we hear it so much that his dad and I have started saying it to each other without realising.

The tv was on this morning while we got ready for the day and he asked to watch the chee-chee chumps show. Literally, no idea what he wants, so I try to get him to point it out to me or tell me more about it. He only has an hour maximum of tv time throughout the day so when he does want to watch something in particular we try to make it happen for him. We’re going on for like 5 minutes of him getting frustrated and trying to explain to me what he wants but just saying the same thing over and over just louder each time doesn’t really work. Eventually he shouts “Yes!!! Mum that one!! The pig one! CHEE CHEE CHUMPS!!”

So I put it on and can see that he’s watched it before for literally just 4 minutes. It wasn’t even in the ‘continue watching’ section so it must’ve been a good few months ago that he’d seen it. Within a few seconds a pig is on the screen and my kid is laughing like crazy shouting “haha yaaaay chee chee!”. It goes on and the little boy on the show is talking to his pig, Jimmy Jones...

And then I realise..

Fucking “Chee Chee Chumps” 😂