Well there’s goes my vday baby ...


SO! I am 4 cm dilated . 37 + 2 and FOUR CENTIMETERS DILATED & my hospital will not admit me because I’m not 5cm or more ( active labor ) I have walked around a track two different times today . I have done steps . I have gone up a HILL & still no moving from there .

I was admitted into the hospital at 2:30am this morning and was 2-3 cm and once 4:00 hit I was 4cm & moved from my regular room to a delivery room and IVs were put in but I was not put on pitocin to help , they let me dilate on my own . Come 9 o’clock , I am being released because I am apparently not in active labor . LITERALLY I AM BARELY ONE CM AWAY FROM BEING KEPT & they ( the hospital not my dr ) just wouldn’t help me . So now I am home handling my contractions on my own until my water breaks or atleast until I see some sort of blood or BP rises so my dr would have an excuse to keep me . Idk what to do , so frustrated with being sent home I just cried .

Anyone else went through this?

Due March 5th but has had two previous 36 week babies. they were fine and healthy.