Dating after baby


Is it normal for me to have no desire to date or even talk to anyone?😩 my son is 1y/o and it’s like as soon as I had my son I no longer wanted a relationship with his dad. We tried to make it work for a few months but I just mentally checked out from our relationship entirely. Looking back, he tried so hard to be with me and make things work but I gave him the cold shoulder. Like he’d try to kiss me and I’d immediately get irritated and not want to be touched. He wasn’t perfect, there were some trust issues and cheating on his end so I thought it was just him who I was no longer in love with. But now my son made 1 in Dec. and I still don’t want to be bothered by any man in no way at all. Ppl reach out to me all the time trying to setup date night or just talk and I’m never interested or just dont reply. Is this normal? I’m starting to think something is wrong with me😩😂