Really not sure where to turn..


I went to the doctor yesterday for lab results. My new OBGYN is trying to find out why my cycles range from 35-52 days. He came back with the answer of a hormone imbalance. My FSH is within range.. 7. (He said as long as it's below 9 it's fine.) However my LH is high, 18. I've had one child naturally and my husband and I are ttc baby 2. My doctor never said "pcos" I did not have a scan of my ovaries. He started me on metformin. I am using opks and I had a peak the other day. Is there any chance I ovulated or am I just trying to hold out hope? I woke up depressed as hell today.. below is a screenshot of my opk results. All other tests have been very faint, but the line is always visible. I need some support and advice please.. feeling pretty alone.